Welcome! I’m Monica Dietrich, former artists’ agent for PM Design Group’s wonderfully talented artists and designers. This artistic journey has always been rooted in color and design, expressed mainly through product designs for the home. Now I return to those roots as artist and painter with flowers taking the center stage.
For years, I poured my efforts into representing artists and designers by licensing their wonderful creations for decorative products for the home, stationery, and wall art, especially posters, so many posters. Now I’ve shifted from nuts and bolts back to my roots in a vibrant world of painting that started with an MFA from PRATT Institute. I can explore design and color through the stunning and enduring beauty of flowers.
I work primarily with acrylics on canvas, layering bold strokes and intricate details to bring depth and energy to my paintings. My inspiration comes from the arresting beauty of flowers I find in shops and gardens within my reach. I am working through an interrupted journey, capturing all I can see and enjoying a process encumbered only by time.
I am exploring new ways to share my art with the world: galleries, art fairs, and private collections. I’ll keep you posted on my progress.
I love hearing from fellow art lovers, collectors, and creatives! Contact me @ Monica481@aol.com
If you are a New England gallery that’s interested in my work, please contact me @ Monica481@aol.com.
You can follow my artistic journey and my latest work on my website.